Recognize the Presence of God

 October 29, 1999

Beloved of my Heart,

Too often have I heard the statement "Let me sit at your feet, beloved Master to receive your blessings and understand your teachings." Today I would like to remind you that symbolically, the feet represent the foundation of all things. In this case it is the place of higher consciousness upon which one stands and from which one draws their sustenance. As such, the feet of all Ascended Masters are always placed firmly upon the foundation of the Spirit of God and from where the masters constantly draw forth whatever is required at any given moment.

Also, a master of energy never descends below the level of Divine Consciousness to function. Rather we each draw forth whatever we require from the highest most sacred source available, the Presence of God I AM. This sacred source is endless in its blessings. It is a constant, ever flowing pool of pure light energy, always available upon request. You ask: Why then, from time to time, does it seem so difficult to receive the answers you desire?

Dear chelas, it is all a matter of the ground upon which you stand, the source from which you draw, and the foundation upon which you build. As you constantly follow the radiant star of your true being, you are becoming evermore adept at placing your feet upon the solid ground of God Consciousness, rather than the shifting sands of human understanding.  

In asking to sit at my feet, you have just said to me you have not yet acknowledged the Presence of God within and are not yet fully able to take responsibility for your life. Rather, when you ask to sit with me as a equal, as another being of light who wishes to share ideas, then truly you have come to the point in your evolution where you recognize the Presence of God in us both.

To assist you in identifying this very important part of yourself I ask that you take a moment right here and right now to close your eyes and feel the Presence of God surrounding you in your magnificent mantle of pure white light. Feel this mighty cloak completely enfolding you. Deeply and gently breathe in the breath of Holy Spirit, letting it fill your entire being and world.

Feel your feet firmly planted upon the Earth. Continuing to breathe rhythmically, become one with the Earth. Become aware that the Earth, as held in the Mind of God, is already pure and perfect. This is God's Earth, dear ones, just as you are God's Child. Silently affirm within your soul: "This is my Mother-Father God's World, and I shall hold this perfection within my heart and mind, under any and all circumstances, from this day forth." Silently repeat this sacred statement three times and allow the essence of these words enter your four lower vehicles.

Now, with your feet firmly planted upon this sacred consciousness, stretch forth your hands, beloved ones. As you do, feel the hands of the Presence of God within you lovingly clasping your hands. Filled with the Love of God you now know without a doubt, you are a pure channel of God's Healing and Perfection which freely flows forth to all life you contact, every day, in every way.

With these same hands, raise and hold the chalice of your consciousness high. See and feel the pure Light, Love and Power of God flowing into and through your entire being. Your body, mind, feeling world, and memories are now filled with the pure Thoughts and Feelings of God. With this knowledge and understanding firmly anchored in your heart, from this time forth, nothing less can flow to you or through you to life in your sphere of influence.

Beloved ones, my request of you today, as we draw ever closer to the dawn of the New Millennium is: It is time to plant your fleet firmly on the path that leads to the top of the Mountain of Attainment but as you each well know, the way can be treacherous and filled with many obstacles. Even when you are able to remain focused and centered within God Consciousness, your tests will be many. However, as many before me have said, once you reach the top, you will know it was well worth the effort, for the view is truly magnificent!

In closing I offer this little reminder, let us sit together as friends or as sisters and brothers, to receive each other's blessings and wisdom, for we truly have much to share with one another. Invite me often into the chalice of your heart, beloved ones. All you have to do is ask and I will be there in an instant.  

Paul, The Maha Chohan




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