The Stream of All Life

Excerpts from September 1953

Standing in the full freedom of that realm where the eyes can see, and the ears can hear, as God intends, I look at the beautiful, constantly flowing stream of electrons that flows from the Source of Life, and which are molded by the White Fire Spirit from whence all have proceeded into the electronic pattern of each lifestream. To stop one of these beautiful spiritual atoms in its rapid descent in order to study its beauty of detail, its delicacy of outline, its shining essence, would be impossible. Literally catapulting themselves into the Grail of the Heart of the Presence, they flow outward through every sphere, qualified by the particular vehicle of the individual functioning in that sphere.


For instance, from your Presence flow these lovely beings in every word, in every wave of the hand, in every motion of the Electronic Body, and they form the substance, essence and glory of the Causal Body.  


Then, through the Holy Christ Self, they flow into the fourth sphere, molded into the thought patterns and forms of that spiritual guardian of your life expression. Each tiny little electron becomes a molded prayer - a sword of flame - a rushing, powerful torrent of purifying essence - the very presence of the Violet Fire in action.

As the life essence flows onward through the lower bodies, the mental vehicle commands it into every thoughtform, the emotional body commands it into every feeling harmonious or otherwise, the etheric body commands it into every memory, and the flesh body into every action. Here, the lovely little beings become imprisoned in the forms created by the outer self.

Even the tiny little electrons that swing around the polarized center of each atom in your physical body are infinitesimal figures, and it is but the accretion around them that shuts in their beauty and their natural light. When you become accustomed to visualizing your body as such countless numbers of these intelligent selves, it becomes easy to speak to them in love and ask them to fulfill themselves in BLAZING LIGHT - IN HARMONY AND BEAUTY OF EXPRESSION - IN HEALING AND PURIFICATION OF THE ENVELOPE WHICH THEY MAKE UP!

Archangel Michael






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