Unfurling Spiritual Petals

Excerpts from August 1953

Beloved children of the One Eternal God of Light and Life! How magnificent is the intensity of the Light within your souls! That Light enables, from within your own heartbeat, the petals of spiritual achievement and attainment to unfold from the tightly closed bud in which your immortal identity has for century after century slumbered. It has awaited the kiss of the Spiritual Sun that it might arise and through the inner pressure of its own majestic dignity, stand forth revealed - the Master Presence of God, choosing to wear for a moment in eternal time a garment of flesh; to wear it lightly, and move forward as an emissary of the King of Kings, carrying mercy, light and love to all manifest form.


I breathe in the fragrance of your own unfolding God Flame. Sweet is its essence in my nostrils, for it is many, many centuries since I have had contact with the outer consciousness of the people of earth. It is many hundreds of years since I closed the book of my earth life and entered into the heart of that Realm of Eternal Life to draw from the Heart of the One Great Father- Mother of you all, that Supreme Love by which universes and planets as well as individual souls and selves are sustained.

Here in the Realm of the Cosmic, I served with little remembrance of the world of form, drawing the Love, breathing in the perfume of the Eternal, absorbing the Radiation of God and through my own body, directing it then into those spiritual currents in the lower atmosphere of earth.

Through the beloved Lord Maitreya, the beloved Master Jesus, the beloved Patrick, the beloved Rama Krishna, and other blessed and dedicated sons and daughters of God, I was enabled to make the Nature of God felt. Around those sanctified ones were drawn the lifestreams incarnate who wished to bathe in that One Presence. Within the aura of those, my chosen, did the disciples and the chelas taste of the bliss of Nirvana, the glory of Heaven, and learn something of the way thither.

This was as far as I, by Cosmic Law, was permitted to go in endeavoring to reach again the evolution of which you are a part, until one night not so long ago when there arose a call for mercy that came from the hearts of unascended beings, and made a note of sweetness through the cry of pain and agony which represents the sound that the earth and her people release into interstellar space. I heard that call for mercy and on that very call, on the very music created by that desire for compassion; I came back into the world of form. Here I shall abide, endeavoring through my own humble radiation to give the assistance of my own lifestream. May it enable each and everyone who has professed by their presence with us a desire to become a wayshower, to earn that consciousness of peace and balance that abides within the pursuit of the Middle Way, and that infinite power and capacity to convey through the energies of their own lifestreams the Quality and Nature of God to their fellow travelers.

Throughout my service to humankind before and after my freedom, I have stressed always the power of radiation as the greatest teacher, the greatest pattern by which man might fashion individual life. Words are cheap. Millions and millions of words have been spoken and written by sages, saints and teachers from time immemorial. Millions and millions of words have been read by earnest seekers and aspirants, and joined to the accretion in the mental body, adding no whit to the spiritual stature of the self. But, through the conducting of the qualities of radiation which represent the Nature of the One Eternal God, there is always a way and means by which the millions and billions that belong to this evolution may not only be touched but inspired and awakened from the soul sleep of the ages and again encouraged to place their own feet upon the Path and walk in serenity, in dignity, in balance, and in peace into the Self Mastery which is pre-ordained for all evolving life.

Looking at the descending stream of Electronic Life which forms your heartbeat, the most exquisite melody, the most Divine Music of the Spheres is incorporated in the release of those pure electrons that enter into your heart with such rapidity that millions and millions and millions of them are radiated forth from your body in the matter of one second by immortal count, and every beauty of form, containing within itself a pattern which is indicative of your own individualized God Self. A star, a cross, a dove, a flower, beautiful beyond limit is within every one of those electrons. If they could only be suspended in their descent for a moment, that your flesh eyes could look upon them! Within every one of these electrons is all the potential power by which the Master Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, transformed darkness into Light, and manifested the mastery of Ascension.

Look at that Stream of Light and feel for an instant the potential power that flows through you. Oh, not once in a 24 hour period, not "once in a lifetime," as you say in your world of form, but every instant millions of those electrons qualified with that infinite power pass into the control of your mental and emotional body, and are absorbed greedily by those inner vehicles, pressed into distorted form, externalized into your own aura, and there remain to be redeemed by your own conscious endeavor one day.

I would like to charge your consciousness with the realization of the power that flows through your heart, containing within itself all the power by which the Universe was created, by which the stars are held in their orbits, and the whirling motion of the planets is sustained in rhythm, and the forward progress of the galaxy is directed through Universal space. Feel that, oh beloved friends! There is your open door to freedom! There is your healing, infinite and complete. There is the teacher, which will unfailingly direct the intellect, and move you forward in the right path through the use of your energy, while yet you remain in the world of form. There is actual substance which may, at your own discretion, become manifest as the requirement of any hour, for it is intelligent, it is obedient, it is pliable, it is ceaseless in its flow, and there is no limit as to how much you may draw or how you may use it.

I am told that your lifestreams are interested in the blessing of the Elemental Kingdom. It gives me pleasure to point out to you the obedience that is within elemental life, for within that obedience is the key to your conscious control of substance and form. Oh, this great primordial life that fills this universe is the Body of God, which flows ceaselessly from the Great Central Source of this system. It is elemental, but intelligent life. It is directed by the Great Light Eternal, to respond and obey the consciousness, which abides within the hearts and minds of man. This blessed elemental substance, therefore, becomes the servant of your thinking and feeling self, and rushes instantly into the obedient form of that which your mind designs out of the universal life. Then, as your feelings pass through it, it becomes a breathing entity that lives because you have invested it with the power of your own qualified energy.

Beloved ones! In the use of these powers of the Sacred Fire, can you not visualize and feel this Light? Let us take for example, your Ring-Pass-Not, which in India is used so freely, and which now is coming into use in the Western world. As you within your mind consciously desire the protection from the passing vibrations of the mental and feeling world of humankind, you immediately set up a magnetic pull upon elemental life, and millions and millions of tiny little beings-so infinitesimal that many of them could sit upon the head of one of your pins- respond to that magnetic call and endeavor to outpicture the thoughtform which you hold of a Tube of Light.

They draw around you, standing shoulder to shoulder to enfold you within that living Tube of Light. That tube, dear friends, is made up of living intelligences who sacrifice their freedom to dance in the sunshine and play in the grasses, that they may be for you a mantle of protective force. Have you thought that through? When so lightly you say, "Enfold me now in my mighty Electronic Tube of Light," have you thought that intelligent life has chosen, in obedience, to relinquish its freedom and to stand in the questionable safety of your aura? Yet that is so! These blessed beings, at your direction, form a wall and with their own bodies repel and press away from you the thoughts and feelings that flow through the lower atmosphere of the psychic and astral realm which forms the habitation of your flesh.

Then, perchance, if you be endeavoring to experiment with this protective power, you may choose to change the color of this blazing Tube of Light. Through thought force you think of beautiful, electric blue. You know that is the protective power of beloved Morya's ray. As your very thought goes forth, every one of these glorious electrons, little beings of fire, wearing shimmering robes of Light and holding often within their hands tiny wands of power, immediately become electric blue; and so they stand, until again your thought changes and you call for the pink of Nada's peace, and they clothe themselves in that pink, and radiate it out to give protection.

Oh, beloved ones, there is so much you can experiment with through the creative power of your own thought and feeling in the knowledge that elemental substance is intelligent, it is responsive, it is obedient, and it is delighted to do for you that which is in agreement with the Divine Plan.

You form a group of humankind interested in the elemental kingdom. For this reason I choose to draw the veil aside and show you how magnificent may be your service, how lightly you have touched even the periphery of the great activity which may yet be manifested through you as individuals, and collectively. In the realm of the astral or the psychic, there are imprisoned lifeforms, which I shall not describe, so many countless billions of electrons, elemental, intelligent beings. It is your opportunity to release them and let them go back into the heart of the Sun, back into the Source from whence they came, for you, too, have been among those who have imprisoned them.

You may be their redeemer! Then, as you render that service, and as the inner realms in which mankind moves are freed from those pressures again will come that lightness, buoyancy and happiness which was known in the early ages before the effluvia and mist of thought and feeling of human creation dimmed the Light of the Spiritual Sun, clothed your spiritual faculties in dullness, and made it impossible for you to longer see and talk with the brothers and sisters who are the guardians of this race, and who are the protecting presences from the Ascended Master octave. (Higher spiritual levels of consciousness.)

We do not dwell for any time upon the discords of humankind, lest those of you who are sensitive, eager and desirous of serving good, should become self-condemnatory, because of the part you have consciously or unconsciously played in imprisoning life. However, in order to be intelligent in the service, which you have offered, we must show you the opportunity that lies within your call and application. Then, the more joyous and glorious is your opportunity, as you couple visualization and worded decree with the invocation of the Sacred Fire, to create out of the Universal, Temples of Light and Focuses of Flame which shall for all eternity remain as a living memento to your life in physical form.

Oh, blessed ones, the power of the creative fire within you is so much more intense than you can yet conceive to be possible. Take a group and let them join together, and at the direction and inspiration of the leader, create a thoughtform, which would be a benefit to a group, to a locality, to a nation, to a planet- even to a master like our Sanat Kumara. As the electrons and elementals filled in your thought form and made of it a living, breathing being, one of the great, mighty angels and devas might choose to ensoul it, enter it and sustain its light, wearing it as a garment until accomplishment of that for which it was created, could be manifested. It has been done often.

You do not know yet the power that is within your own personal blessing. For instance many a time, when I walked along the dusty roads of India, when men and women in the sore distress of the outer senses came into my presence, I rejoiced in the glorious opportunity of invoking a blessing. Many a time as I stood and turned my attention to the God of us all, I felt the sweet onrush of that power which came from heights inconceivable through my own feeling world, and surged out into the body and consciousness of the supplicant. Many are the times I have seen an angel enter into that blessing and go with the one who had asked for it, as he walked again back into his own individual orbit.

Oh this universe is filled with angels, devas and beings pressing earthward, endeavoring to find an opening through some heart who chooses to call forth the blessings of God upon the suffering. They rush through the opening which is made through your thought, your feeling, and even your simple worded, "God bless you." It is not just this human vehicle, which you are, which says that word or that phrase. It is the release of the Infinite Power of the Universe, eager and desirous of enfolding the one who requires that blessing. Do you see? You are holding the key to the universal blessings of the Great Cosmic Christ within your own worded expression, your silent gesture of benediction, your thought and your feeling.

I have taught for centuries through the power of radiation, and not through the spoken word. I have endeavored as I have studied your consciousness, to give you in some smart measure a way and means by which you too may become radiating centers and, connecting with the feeling of the Ascended Masters, let that flow forth through your own energies to bless life. Is it a fit balance that the music of the spheres that enters into the hearts of men with every heartbeat, should go forth again in a scream of pain, a cry of agony and distress? Is it not rather the paramount requirement of the day that the energy that enters the heart in purity be blessed in love and return to the universe in a great anthem of thanksgiving for the opportunity of the use of life?

How beautiful is the soul that raises its heart to God in gratitude for the gift of life, of intelligence, for the opportunity that lives within the constant electronic flow of energy into the heartbeat. What could you do without life? How could you enjoy your friends, your families, your associates? How could you enjoy the beauties of nature and all the glories that have made your experiences on this earth pleasant, if it were not for the flowing essence, which is life? For know you this, with no uncertainty, while the Presence of Almighty God sustains a physical form, there is a design and plan which can through that form be externalized for the blessing of all. At the very instant the God Intelligence no longer sees an opportunity to expand some portion of its God plan through that form, the life flame is withdrawn. There is no happenstance in this release of life- that priceless, precious gift which contains within itself the power to become master. It is an eternal proof of the wisdom and kindness of the Universal First Cause that chooses through you, each one, to manifest more of the glory of the Kingdom.

I have stood in that Kingdom. I have stood in the Presence of God who made you all. I have gazed at the exquisite perfection of that Being, and, as I come again to earth, I shall with every cell and fiber of my being, endeavor to convey to those who choose to listen, the nature and love of that God.

I thank you, beloved children of God, for the unfolding flame of your own divinity, for the strength within you that has brought you into our presence, for your mercy and compassion for the rest of life. I thank you for your sensitivity to the presence of the nature kingdom, and I assure you that those who love elemental life will know peace in their own bodies, harmony in their minds, and supply within their own governing use and control, as they continue to bless that kingdom which has given them not only the physical form, but the subtle inner bodies as well. Even your Electronic Body is made up of tiny electrons, little beings drawn from the Sun, who gather around the Flame of Love in the heart of your Presence, and forego the freedom of the Realms of Light to provide that shining vestment of your immortal I AM Presence. God bless you!

Beloved Lord Buddha




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