Arizona Seminar

Beloved El Morya

Tuscan, Arizona

December 31, 1981

Blessed Comrades serving us here on this Planet Earth from other star systems and planets... grappling with human embodiment while trying to serve the Group Avatar, welcome! Welcome from the depths of our Beings and from the gracious radiation of the Etheric Cities of John the Divine. Would you kindly be seated.

For that glorious rendition that is so dear to my heart, multitudes of Angels, particularly those of the various shades of blue representing God's Will, have descended into the atmosphere of this Sanctuary... and are showering the gifts of God's First Cause, his Holy Will, deep into your physical, etheric, mental, and emotional structures; if you would pause just for a moment to recognize and acknowledge their Presence...

Dear comrades of Light, if you could know how precious we hold these meetings. It is an opportunity for us, your Ascended Master Friends, Senior Brothers and Sisters, to be with you. It might surprise you to know that very recently in a meeting with several of us (Hierarchs and Chohans) and our Lord Maha Chohan, Paul, it was stated that the dear chelas may not even realize that even if we, the Ascended Adepts, could choose to re-embody in order to fulfill certain things, we could do little more than the very best of you can do now, if we had to grapple with physical bodies and the trials and tribulations of embodiment. Rather, we can do much more from our Realms using you as our anchorage points, using you as our cups through which we can pour the Divine First Cause of Heaven into every issue at hand.

And my beloved friends, this morning I would like to speak with you about the Realm of Cause. It is a realm in which we all dwell in the Ascended Masters Octave of Light, and it is my privilege, along with beloved Lady Miriam, to represent the First Cause of God’s Holy Will. If you would emulate us, who have walked the way of Earth and graduated into the Ascended Master Realms, we learned sooner or later to align ourselves only with CAUSE, leaving the EFFECTS to fall where they might in the realm of humanity and in the world of form.

And, precious ones, when we look upon your lifestreams, you who are so eager to allow the full force of God’s Cause through your vehicles, when we look and see what impedes that, it is the puny human effects of energy misspent in the world of form. Effects seem to have such power in your lives and in the lives of all humankind and I am here this morning to prod you, to try and help you see again that it is only in aligning yourself with Divine Cause, that you shall truly accomplish that for which you chose embodiment, that for which you came from other stars and planets... to shepherd this race home.

If you look at any of the great men or women in history, you will see that they were only aligned with Cause and not preoccupied with effects. A deep conviction aligned with Cause is a powerful God Force. A conviction aligned with pre-conceived effects can be quite dangerous and you see that around you all the time. In this vein, we have hopes and aspirations for the experiments which shall take place in this four-day seminar and you might learn how important it is to align with Cause and how destructive it can be to be preoccupied with effect.

Take for example a great Being who has embodied in this twentieth century, with whom I had some humble association, the great Mahatma Gandhi. Few people really understood the Cause for which he stood so gallantly, and yet it did not concern him. As he represented the Cause, the Truth of that Cause, those who looked upon his lifestream took from it what they could at whatever level of vibration and radiation they were currently functioning and applied it in their own lives.

And so this one humble Being, who had a myriad of so—called effects to deal with in his own life, because he stood only for Cause had effects in other peoples' lives... on a very personal level, family level, effecting villages and towns, all the way up to great and important international events and relationships.

And yet he did not plan those effects, he did not preoccupy himself nor much concern himself with those effects, he simply lived Cause.

We hope that you have some small taste of that in your mental, and emotional vehicles when you depart these four days, having aligned yourself with Cause.

And as your consciousness individually, and as the consciousness of the Group Avatar expands, the level of your Cause will expand.

And we who enjoy the Ascended Master Octaves align ourselves only with the Cause that effects all men; planetary causes, impersonal worldwide causes, that then have their effects in individual lives, in local areas as well as for the human family. It is our deep desire that you feel the closeness with us during this four day seminar, that when you gather in your large groups, or as you enjoy each other's company in smaller groups, that you feel our Presence... for we are deeply desirous of having you align with Cause and free from effects which seem so powerful in blocking your life service.

Remember your purpose for this embodiment. The easiest way to do that is to consider yourself a full-fledged brother or sister of my humble self, of beloved Kuthumi and of all the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings, for you truly are — you truly are. You are half the plan. We are half the plan. And together, the plan is Victorious!

On a different subject you know I have been given the honor and privilege of closing out the year, as it were, with you, and this has been a magnificent year. And when we consider what true family, exemplary family life, has accomplished in the spirit of unity, I know you will witness that among yourselves these four days.

You shall feel it as the Ascended Masters and Angels draw close and you shall know without a doubt that this year has been completely Victorious in the Cause of exemplary family life... the human family within the family of God — all in the Spirit of Unity. And I know that I speak on behalf of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy when I say we are so grateful to our beloved chelas, struggling with embodiment, who have been so much an important part of the Victorious accomplishment of 1981.

Precious ones I bless you with the radiation of the First Ray and I am currently directing it deeply, deeply, deeply into your physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles to help you to root out the cause, effect, record and memory of all that holds you back from the deep peace of aligning yourself with Cause. This is my gift to you and I love you.

Good Morning!

El Morya



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