The Nature of Christ Consciousness

Beloved Micah

October 8, 1981

As a gift to the beloved chelas in my New Age Church for your wonderful energies toward the Goal of Unity this year, I thought I would talk with you about the Nature of Christ Consciousness...

So let us relax and talk together as friends. We in the Spiritual Hierarchy often hear the call "What is Christ Consciousness and how do I know when I am there"? So allow me to speak on this.

In my embodiment as Jesus of Nazareth, I had several vivid or outstanding experiences in my journey toward full Christ Consciousness. These included among others: the experience with Lord Himalaya — after having understood the power of "I AM the Resurrection and the Life"; — and awakening in a cave in India after a period of great silence; as well as my baptism by John, the Baptist. Was this how I knew I was gaining Christ Consciousness?

Well, these events certainly helped as guideposts, as corroboration. Yet the real growth to Christ Consciousness came between these events, while I walked the dusty roads of the subcontinent, or of Persia, or in Egypt. It came in the gradual sense of turning over my very Life to God Consciousness... to the reality of "my Father and his Holy Will"... turning over every thought, feeling, word, action and reaction to my God Presence.

And for you dear hearts, I ask you not so much to look to the states of heightened bliss, or to "events" to realize Christ Consciousness (although they are wonderful when they occur). Instead, look to the relaxed, harmonious, balanced moments when the outer mind is not necessarily on "spiritual things" nor even when the outer will is trying to be spiritual. In fact, Christ Consciousness can only get through to your plane when all outer will, even the outer will to be good, is set aside or given up to God.

"Let thy Will be done in and through me now" should be a constant chant on your lips to create this feeling of letting go to a higher will. If you do not set aside even this outer will to do good, then God can get through you only in the ways you have decided are good (are God's Will). Let God decide God's Will and it shall be revealed unto you. And here we have the listening Grace of our Beloved Mother Mary. Now besides this being the only way Home it is also much more relaxing than the effort of outer will... and effort which comes from needing to defend the outer will. God's Will needs no defense.

I tried to teach this as Jesus, the doctrine of no-resistance of turning the other cheek; and I have said more recently "what you resist will persist". You only resist something if it does not agree with your outer will. Again, God's Will needs no defending. So let go and turn it over to God.

This therefore is the process of developing Christ Consciousness... continually making of yourself a channel for God's Will. And when you can couple this with a deep and abiding trust in God, it becomes very natural to step back and allow God through into every issue at hand... the words, the thoughts, the feelings and the actual happening. This is what I was practicing for "those missing eighteen years". Some of you have been practicing as long and some are very close to the goal. No one knows with which breath will come permanent Christ Consciousness.

We have over the years given many approaches to attaining God Consciousness while yet in embodiment: Let go and let God; remain in a state of listening grace; Let Life come through you unrequalified; use the Sacred Fire of Purification; always look to the Christ within: ... are to name just a few. I would like you to see today that these are not separate approaches but all part of the same process.

In your reviews of our Teachings, see for yourself how we have been stressing the same unfoldment, the same process of developing Christ, all along.

When I suggest the effortless expression of Christ Consciousness what I mean is you cannot will it for yourself through outer effort. In fact the only "effort" needed is in letting go of all outer will. Yes, there should be (and is!) a deep desire and commitment on your part to being Christ Conscious. But this desire and commitment does not deepen and wax strong through effort of human will but rather through letting go to a Higher Will. This is true freedom and is the only bridge into the New Age.

It is rebelliousness of the inner vehicles that seems to require the effort of human will but as our Lord Maha Chohan has counseled "do not do battle with your soul, rather transmute it!" This is the gift of the New Age in a nutshell.

I would like to add a phrase today for further contemplation. Rather than asking; "how is life treating me", ask continually; "how am I treating life"? And then you have set the stage to see yourself only as a conduit, a channel of pure Life Force. And when you can continually allow the Pure Life Force through unrequalified, or consciously qualified with perfection, there you have Christ Consciousness, the natural harmonious God Estate, effortlessly.

Then the importance 'how is life treating me' drops away; life circumstance, returning karma, etc. then have much less impact, for your attention now is only on "how am I treating life" And then it does not matter if people around you recognize your development or not. In my own case as a developing Christ people often did not recognize me and often thought me a traveling vagabond. It did not deter me, nor shall anything deter you when you discover the freedom in letting go to God's Will. Even in my full Freedom, I am still aware of letting go to God's Will... but it is much easier, for I have completely accepted that "I and the Father are One... I AM his Will being done".

This is what the Year of Unity has been for me and I thank each of you for your development of a natural, relaxed, harmonious state of Unity in Christ Consciousness. Together let us look towards to being an open door for God's Will in 1982. Please know that I love each of you as a dearly beloved brother and sister.

A fellow traveler on the Path

Micah, Angel of Unity



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