Invocation for Divine Government

In the Name of the Universal Presence of God "I AM" dwelling within the hearts of all humanity, wethe chelas of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedommake this call.

Beloved Master El Morya, COME NOW and assist us to understand the Sacred Principles of Divine Government, for ourselves, our families, our countries, and our Planet. May we always remember that what we desire for others becomes the law of attraction within our own lives, so that we will be guided by Right Desire, and want only the best for all our brothers and sisters within the Human Family.

We ask for the Divine Intervention of the Powers of Light concerned with the governments of the Earth to hold such governing powers at peace until such time as they understand and accept the Law of God's Will within their lives, and extend it to all the people over whom they have control.

We invoke a Ring-pass-not of Blue Flame around all such government foci and their leaders, to hold all negatively qualified energies within its radius until the full activity of the Violet Fire of Transmutation may be brought into action.

We reconsecrate our energies anew, to further the Activity of the Sacred Flames, so lovingly entrusted to our care and use. May we be the instruments through which International Peace and Brotherhood may be brought to all the people of our Beloved Planet.

To you, Beloved El Morya, and all the Great Ones who serve on the First Ray of God's Divine Will, Faith, Power and Protection, we are eternally grateful. For your guidance and assistance, your Patience and endless devotion to all Life, WE THANK YOU!


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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period;

ARIES - March 21st through April 19th

Cosmic Virtue and Wisdom Temple of Sylphs and Devas of the Air

 HERCULES - April 20th through May 20th

A radiating Center of Faith, Strength, Courage and Power.


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