Decree to the Beloved Presence of God “I AM”

Beloved Presence of God "I AM"Come Now! Create and maintain in me a Tower of Spiritual Strength that can withstand any force of misqualified energy until that force is transmuted into pure Light once more.

Through the Tower of Spiritual Strength "I AM", may I perceive all negative energy for what it is¾an illusion of human consciousness longing to be freed by the Powers of the Sacred Transmuting Fire.

Oh Blessed Violet Fire, transmute the cause and core of any such misqualified energy within my consciousness so that it cannot delay my progress on the Path of Mastery ever again! I make this call on behalf of every chela of Light on the Earth, and I ask that you magnify, in each one, the awareness that we are not alone in the work that is set before us! The Name of God "I AM" is a Multitude, waiting for the command to:


Sustain and maintain the consciousness of perfect Peace and Unity that is always present within our Blessed Heart Flames, and those of all humanity.

I make this call as the Most Holy Name of God "I AM"!