Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

August 1991


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize a Legion of Violet Fire Angels ringing a huge Golden Bell of Freedom. All humanity is enfolded in the Cosmic Tones of Freedom, Truth, Peace and Unity.

Saint Germain

My Beloved Friends,

I would like to speak about the cultivating of your creative powers and ideas. Each person has creative faculties within himself which may be uncovered and put to use in the world of form to assist life within his sphere of influence. For the chela, it becomes doubly important to activate these faculties. We depend upon our chelas to act as expressions of their Higher Natures through the instruments which have been given to them. These instruments are your bodies, minds, and emotional natures, through which you may bring God to Earth in a very real fashion. To do so, you must first purify and align these parts of your being into a harmoniously expressive unit. The activating element is right desire.

You may have heard or read that it is a spiritual attribute to become desireless, but this is often, and seriously, misunderstood. It would, however, be accurate to say that you must cultivate right desire. I use the term "right desire" to signify "Spiritual Desire", or the impetus which comes from your "I AM" Presence, your Causal Body, and the stirring of the Christ Self within your Heart Center, rather than of material desire, which arises from the human nature. Spiritual Desire is expressed as enthusiasm for life, which then acts as the underlying cause of all outer action aimed at bettering life, both for others, and for one's self. It is right desire which holds respect and love for all life inviolate within the heart.

To cultivate true Spiritual Desire, you must examine your thoughts and feelings as they occur, considering what the possible outcome of expressing these thoughts and feelings might be upon life around you. It is amazing what positive changes could be wrought in the world if only each person would think before he spoke or took actionexamining his reasons. Within the mass consciousness, much action is prompted by the automatic response to some outer stimuli, which may be totally inappropriate to a current situation.

In fact, if we describe mass consciousness correctly, we must call it "unconsciousness", yet out of that "unconsciousness" comes the outer activity, and the resultant manifestation.

As a chela develops, he becomes more and more conscious of his reactions, and that is as it should be. Eventually, as each one of you examines your reactions, you will clear your "unconscious", bringing all into "full view", where you may then align and harmonize your mental and emotional vehicles. At that point, the etheric body ceases to be either a "mystery" or an unconscious influence which may send you off-course. You may then consciously instruct it, using it to store only those memories and experiences which will serve a constructive purpose in your spiritual growth. Of course, I remind you that it is the use of the Violet Fire which will bring you to this happier, more enthusiastic, creative and productive way of life more quickly!

I have said in the pastand I repeat this daythat our chelas must understand and accept that your consciousness is the most important activity of your lives. More strongly, I say that it is the only lasting activity in which you shall ever engage! Remember this, for it cannot be over stressed.

The four lower vehicles, then, are the instruments of your creativity, and it is through them that you are intended to manifest the Divine Archetype upon the Earth plane, which is your Holy Christ Self. Over your countless lifetimes, the consciousness which you have formed creates the "aura" which you wear, visible to all of us in the Octaves of Light. Your consciousness either permits Light to penetrate into your chakras, so that they may work in harmony to draw forth the divine ideas from your Presence, or¾if they are shrouded in veils of maya as yet, they will block the Spiritual Light from these centers. It is easier for you to understand then, how the removal of these "shrouds" will free and facilitate your creative powers to express your special potentials upon the Earth, enhancing all life with which you have contact.

I would caution you to be on the alert for an old enemy of Spiritual Freedom. That enemy is named lethargy! Lethargy is a force of darkness which has long been the tool of those who would keep the people of Earth bound by the chains of human consciousness! I impress upon you that it will test you! Be on the alert at all times, for you have begun a work which requires an ongoing commitment, and continual application of the Violet Transmuting Flame. Lethargy cannot stand before the Violet Fire, but the activity of the Flame must be called forth, and adhered to firmly. Understanding this point, I ask your loyalty, as I pledge you mine!

It is through your consciousness that the Forces of light must work, either your own individual "I AM" Presence, or the Ray of the Master Presence who is attempting to assist you, or work through you at any given time. Beloved ones, double and redouble your efforts to free yourselves from the bonds of human consciousness, for it requires much upon your parts. I assure you that you have my Love and devotion for your every effort, for without those of you who listen for my voice and follow my instructions, it would not be possible for the human race to lift their vision, and see the great Light of the New Age dawning!

May the heights and depths of your Spiritual Desiring become the guiding force within your lives! May the Passion of the Love of Christ be yours, for every ounce of your Love of Freedom is necessary to accomplish that which must be done! I thank you, and I bless you, with all the Love of my Heart.

Your Friend,

Saint Germain







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