Spring Conference

Lady Minerva

April 2, 1994

Beloved Ones, Who Seek the Light,

I come this day to enfold each chela in the golden light of love and illumination from the great Central Sun. Through this small group, gathered at the spiritual heart center upon planet Earth, shall the entire body of light receive the radiation of Alpha and Omega. In this way, you shall come to truly understand that all life is ONE. You will fully learn that―what any one of you comes to understand upon your path to enlightenment―becomes sustenance for those who walk behind you, as they respond to the inner urging of their Christ to open the door and let their beings be flooded with the light of immortality.

Beloved―in these times, a great balancing is taking place between the masculine and feminine aspects of the sacred flames, and I wish to bring further enlightenment to you about this activity. The sacred flames, as you know, represent all of the myriad aspects of the universal nature of God. Each divine quality has both a feminine and a masculine aspect, and it is not possible for that quality to be fully manifested without the balanced activity of both.

I remind you of an example that has been called to your attention previously. It has been taught that beloved Holy Amethyst, as the divine counterpart of Archangel Zadkiel, is she who  goes forth, when the calls are made for the activity of the sacred violet fire. Zadkiel, as the high priest of the violet fire, is the guardian, or father-aspect, who remains in the center of the flame at all times―protecting, sustaining and directing the flame. His feminine counterpart, Holy Amethyst, as the spirit of the flame, represents the love nature of the violet fire, that flows forth from Zadkiel's heart in response to the call, whenever and wherever it is made.

This explanation will bring to you the understanding that Zadkiel, as the father-aspect of the violet flame, and Holy Amethyst, as the mother-aspect, are completely and totally one being and power of light, at the level of evolution and activity in which the archangels and archaii reside and work. It might truthfully be said that you cannot call on one of them without receiving the presence and gifts of both. The same is true for Archangel Michael and Lady Faith and all the archangels and their divine complements. For instance, when you call upon Michael's power of protection and God's will, you receive it enfolded in the spirit of faith. You can carry this example through the attributes of the archangels of every ray, to show you that these divine complements―united as the white fire Being from which they descended, are, truly expressing at all times from that consciousness, multiplied a thousand fold in power.

As you think on this, you will comprehend more deeply the oneness of life, even though that 'oneness' expresses in different ways at earlier stages of evolution. For instance, when a lifestream, who is a twin flame, completes his or her evolution on the physical plane and attains the ascension, he will have developed a perfect balance of his own masculine and feminine aspects, while yet retaining his own primary expression as either masculine or feminine. However, even when you attain the ascension, you are not yet an ascended master. At this point of evolution, you will have attained mastery over the energies of your own four lower vehicles upon the physical, mental and emotional planes of the Earth. You will have purified your etheric vehicle, also, and recorded your success within it. Still, you are only an ascended being, with much to learn upon the inner realms before you may function as an ascended master. This and other subjects will soon be addressed in more detail, to encourage each one of you as you proceed along your individual paths, explaining goals that are truly within your power of attainment.

When both you and your twin flame have attained the Ascension, you are reunited in a sacred ceremony at inner levels. From that time forth, you are empowered to serve as one force of God reality, expressing on a far more universal scale than was previously possible However, there is much further preparation required at inner levels before you can completely reunite as the white fire being from which you came, as the archangels have already done. As with previous spiritual steps you have taken, evolution within the inner realms also occurs one step at a time, and there will always be lessons to learn and further work to be accomplished.

During this time of preparation, you and your twin flame will work together extensively, developing strength and power as a completely unified expression. You see, while you each travel your own path, certain very specific qualities are developed in response to your individual life experiences, which will be very different from those of your twin flame. Experience in the inner realms will help you learn how to combine your talents in the most useful ways to benefit all life you will serve in the future.

As the divine complement of Elohim Cassiopeia, I AM the spirit of the flame of wisdom in action within the consciousness of all who make the call. I¾as the feminine aspect of the flame of enlightenment, AM present with you, bringing the love of Cassiopeia and all the enfolding aspects of our perfect balance within that flame. In addition, I bring my special gift of spiritual perception, revealing to each one of you the understanding that assists you to take the next step upon your paths.

In this New Age, the flame of Holy Spirit is released through the feminine nature of God, fully protected, sustained and directed by the masculine nature of God, who sends it forth at your calls. We, the divine complements of the Archangels and Elohim, are called 'The Spirits of the Flame'. We embody the compassionate love of the Father, who provides the impetus for the outpouring of our gifts, be it divine truth, opportunity, faith, hope, or wisdom, which are needed.

For this reason, I speak to you now, alerting you to be open and receptive, for it is your responsibility to consciously magnetize our flames, as you perceive the need. You have come into embodiment to be the radiating suns of your own God perfection, through which our gifts may be released upon the Earth. The spirit of the flame is a subtle force, and shall be received in the stillness. Be still now, creating within yourselves―as a group―the pure and sacred chalice of consciousness required to accept, comprehend, and transmit this message from the heart of God's wisdom, to your brothers and sisters in the human family. Let each receive according to the Christ flame within his or her own heart, and be as ONE.

Blessed chelas, I hold you now in the embrace of the brilliant gold flame of enlightenment from the aura of the great Central Sun, and the hearts of beloved Elohim Cassiopea and myself.

Lady Minerva

Goddess of Wisdom



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