In the name, power, and authority of the beloved Presence of God I AM in us and in all our brothers and sisters in the human family, we, the members of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom stand within the joyous, buoyant, raising power of the mighty Ascension Flame:

Beloved Ascended Masters and great cosmic Beings: Come Now! Come Now! Come Now! as we make this call for the perfect transition of this activity of light into the outer world of man.

Beloved Archangel Michael and Lady Faith: ENFOLD us at all times in your limitless faith. SURROUND and PROTECT us and this organization from everything not of the light.

Beloved Lord Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst: PURIFY and TRANSMUTE all negativity which might impede the perfect flow of material goods, services, and money to all involved.

Beloved God Principa: Bring your gift of DIVINE ORDER into this endeavor and every positive business endeavor of humankind; for we know I AM is the open door that no man can shut, filling our worlds and the worlds of all humanity with all the money, opulence, and supply of the universe needed for our use in any constructive endeavor.

May all who walk through our doors or connect with Shamballa in any way, feel the harmony and peace which abides here, and assist in expanding PROSPERITY and FRIENDSHIP, not only here at the heart center, but in every business around the world which takes care of the positive needs of the people of Earth, further fulfilling the law of the circle.

As the purpose of Shamballa and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is to magnetize and radiate forth the balanced activity of love, wisdom, and power, through teaching, publishing, and service; may we always strive to expand the light of God that is eternally victorious with constancy, unity, and joy, sealed forever in the perfect peace of freedom's love!

Keep our calls sustained and ever expanding without limit, as God's most holy name, I AM.

So be it, beloved I AM!

(Beloved chelas, this decree has been chosen as our Group Petition for this year. Your help in any way will be greatly appreciated.)