Sanctuary Discourse

Beloved Mother Mary

December 24, 1994

Beloved of my heart,

On this, the eve of the birth of my first son, according to the teachings of many religious faiths, I ask you to spend some time deep in thought, contemplating the miracle of life which is now taking place all around you. Everywhere, children of God are waking up and beginning their search, just as the wise men of old did so very long ago. Following the star, they were eventually guided to the Christ. However, for a time it seemed just beyond their reach.

During their journey, they caught the attention of many with whom they came into contact, as they were intent upon their quest, announcing what their mission was to any person who asked. This the three kings did―until they realized that their journey was a very personal one, and for the safety of all concerned they must be silent, keeping that which they desired so much deep within their hearts.

As the advent of the Christ had been prophesied by many seers for so long, the news quickly began to spread. People everywhere turned their attention to the great light which had recently appeared in the eastern sky. There was much discussion among the people concerning this event and there were as many reasons given as there were individuals talking. However, those who truly found their way to the son of God were transformed and soon began to choose both their words and the people in whom they would confide concerning this experience very carefully. They began to go deep within themselves for the answers to their many questions.

Beloved ones, see this miracle of life taking place all around you! The Christ is born in everyone and through its great love, wisdom, and power, the perfection of humanity is now being resurrected in every human heart. Individuals everywhere are doing their best to follow the star of their true being. Do you not see that from the time of this sacred birth, through the many years of growth and development, including the resurrection and beyond, the process of the ascension is taking place in each and every lifestream?

As you are quickly learning, this is not a process anyone else can do for you. It is you and you alone who will come to the point when finding your true being is your only desire, and when you begin your search, you will quickly see what needs to be done. Then—through your free will choice—you will consciously choose to do it, knowing with full faith that you will be helped every step along your way. Two thousand years ago my beloved son came to exemplify this sacred experience and he continues to do so even today, as he moves ever higher into the octaves of light as a servant of God.

As you have come to realize, this world is no longer the same, especially as you look back over the past seven years. Walls have come down between people everywhere and a much greater love and compassion for all life has begun to enter the hearts of all humankind. It is through these two qualities that you are rapidly coming to understand and accept your brothers and sisters more fully.

People are now coming forth, making the statement that they will help to change this world! This they have done after first making the conscious decision to change themselves and then they recognize the connection. Once again it is that very simple principle―the oneness of all life―for as any part of life changes, the entire planet changes.

Have no doubt in your mind that each individual involved, whether they are ascended or unascended, plays an integral part in God's great divine plan―not only for the Earth, but the entire universe. No one individual is special or better than another. You each bring gifts and talents absolutely necessary for the manifestation of perfection and without each one of us fulfilling our part, this plan cannot be completed.

As in every endeavor there must be those who volunteer to come first and offer their energies, their services, and most importantly, their love to act as the example for others and the cohesive power which allows the perfect manifestation to take place. Beloved ones, you are among those individuals. It has been over thirty years since the creation of this activity of light. That time and energy has been used to strengthen and develop everything and everyone that would assist in bringing The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom forth into the outer world, allowing Shamballa to enter the minds and hearts of all humanity.

My beloved ones, that day has come and once again I AM a proud and loving mother, holding the immaculate concept for each and every one of you, as you continue to fulfill your mission here on Earth. May my angels surround you, both during the daylight hours and especially during the night, for my offering to you is the prayer for a perfect sleep. This night and every night you will sleep enfolded in my great love and light.

Mother Mary




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