Elohim Vista

Spring Conference

March 28, 1997

Beloved ones,

As my quality is that of the all seeing eye of God I have the power and clarity of vision to share with you the past, present and future. This may be anything from a tiny glimpse to the entire picture, depending upon what you need to see for your spiritual growth and development. Today I wish to share with you a very special event that is currently taking place. As most of you know, these are times of incredible change on your planet. At the present moment a natural physical phenomena is visible in the sky overhead, shining brightly, sharing its light with all life on this planet. It has been almost two centuries since a comet of such size and magnitude journeyed through this part of the universe and during that time many things were taking place on Earth.  

It was a time of such great development in all business and commercial enterprises that the era quickly became known as the 'Industrial Revolution'. Also, with the plentiful strides forward in the worlds of science and medicine, life became easier and many more lives were saved from an untimely death than ever before. For many it was a happy and prosperous time. However, this planet also experienced other things, that brought much negativity forth on Earth, including the American-Indian Wars, the Civil War, the First and Second World Wars, the struggles in Korea and Vietnam.  

Even the Era of Civil Rights created many thoughtforms that became part of the etheric body of this planet and are still in need of much purification even today. It is time dear chelas to purify to the very cause and core of all karma such as this once and for all.  

However, as you work with energies such as these, do not get caught up in the past. Whenever you consider previous events of past history, whether it be for yourself or the entire planet, remember to keep your vision high and work specifically with the blue flames of protection and strength and the violet transmuting flames to protect, transmute and purify the negative energy that still surrounds the incident at any level. Above all, do not delve into the feelings and thoughts of the past, trying to analyze what happened and why. Also, any time you recognize your own transgressions of God's Holy Energy—take care of it immediately. Blaze the Violet Fire in through and around yourself!  

Then with this ancient and mighty tool, follow the energy back to its source and do the same. Blaze forth the sacred flames of transmutation brightly to dissolve and release to the cause and core of each incident. Do not make the mistake that so many souls with good intentions do. They begin to work with such energy and suddenly, without any warning, they find themselves caught up in the negativity itself. In fact, it usually turns out they actually add to it; not intentionally of course, but just the same they are creating more of the same imperfect energy.  

My dear chelas, stand firm, for people on this planet are awakening and growing spiritually at such ever increasing numbers that the Earth has actually begun to go through a planetary 'Dark Night of the Soul'. As many of you are personally finding out, this is a time when each and every individual's greatest fears are being brought to their outer consciousness to be dealt with by the Violet Fire of Freedom and the Green Flame of Truth. You must have faith and trust that after this part of the process is successfully completed, then a planetary ascension into Christ Consciousness can and will take place!  

The coming of the current flaming harbinger that is racing across the sky is heralding the arrival of beloved Saint Germain's permanent era of freedom. As I look toward the future of this planet it is filled with love and light. Rejoice in your accomplishments beloved ones for you have done well, you have done very well indeed and we are grateful.

In love and light,

I AM Vista,

Elohim of the Fifth Ray




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