The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 43                                                                                                                                     October 23, 1984 


LaMorae – God of Harmony 

As the vibratory action of your beings is raised, so is that of all Life – culminating in the UNITY OF ALL.  

Divine Order and Harmony are one. When anything is ‘well ordered’ the tone of Harmony is felt, and will culminate in the vibratory action of Perfection ordained for the Planet. 

When you speak of “The Harmony of the Spheres”, do you really know what that implies? It is Life pulsating as one Heartbeat – the rhythmic flowing radiation felt by all life as each tone blends into the Celestial Symphony. 

Should you sense a repetition of Truth we present (The Oneness of all Life) it is for the specific reason to impregnate your consciousness with the Truth present in all life. Oneness is experienced by the man who feels the Harmony of his being blessing all life, and expands the sphere of his Awareness to the height when the cells of his own vehicles feel the pulse beat in all kingdoms blending in Oneness of “I AM”. Then shall Peace express through all! 

I counsel you to learn to maintain the Radiation of Harmony through your beings. Let each chela take the ‘paint brush’ (the tool of his energy) and depict on the canvas of his consciousness the expression which is ordained for his lifestream, an outpicturing of Harmony which is his responsibility in Service to all Life. 

“I AM” LaMorae






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