The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 Volume 7, Number 6                                                                                                                                   February 5, 1985 


Lady Portia 

What a joy it is to work during these momentous times. For many years, I have dedicated my radiation to the service of this planet, and now the activities of the Violet Ray of Forgiveness, Freedom and Mercy are being channeled into the planet with ever increasing intensity as the receptivity and readiness of man grows. As I meditate upon Amida Buddha I see already coming into form the torchbearers of the Violet Fire, the children of the Seventh Root Race. With Lady Mercedes, and Mother Mary, I have the great privilege of enfolding these New Age souls with the radiation of my being giving them understanding of the ideals of Justice, and the OPPORTUNITY to forgive. 

As a representative of the highest forms of the Violet Fire, “I AM” given the task of precipitating into the human world the God qualities upon which I focus. For this reason my Temple is established over the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands, holding there the Immaculate Concept of Justice between men, and the Opportunity for UNITY by putting into practice in the physical world the Spiritual tenets of the Ascended Host. My task of bridging the gap between man and his higher radiations requires great strength and great gentleness. I ask you to direct your spiritual energies towards my retreat at all times, but also command that you put into practice in your everyday life the simple principles of Justice and Mercy in your dealings with those around you, grasping the Opportunity to serve this planet, transforming it into a SHINING STAR of FREEDOM’S LOVE.

“I AM” Portia





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