The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 7                                                                                                                                 February 12, 1985 


The Goddess of Purity 

To really understand the meaning of PURITY, man must clear his consciousness of ALL imperfection. 

PURITY is the center of all manifestation… the pivotal point upon which the manifestation coalesces. 

Let us consider the gently falling snow and its PURITY as it descends to Earth; an uplifting sight to behold! Peace, Be Still! Then, unless in a protected area, man tramples upon it unlovingly and the vibration of the human destroys the panoramic beauty of its original blessing, then the benediction upon man and the elements of nature is minimal. 

This is true with ALL manifestation. Any exquisite representation must be lovingly and gratefully cared for, through various aspects of the element of LOVE. 

In this year of OPPORTUNITY, avail yourself of the Blessings at hand and join us as we restore the Planet Earth to her ORIGINAL DESIGN by PURIFICATION.

Lady Astrea      




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