The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

VOLUME 7, Number 9                                                                                                                  February 26, 1985


The Master Hilarion

Energy and Vibration 

We know that pure Electronic Light fills the Universe. How does man use this substance! 

He knows when he places his fingers on the keys of a typewriter or other mechanical device the thought he wishes to imprint on paper will manifest. In a similar manner the keyboard of a piano or other musical instruments will produce a melody, and that energy will flow through the Universe magnifying a similar vibration. 

The Elemental Kingdom is an example of the use of this Force: the Water Element brings surcease from drought; adversely a flood is the result of man’s misuse of this Element. The Fire Element is everywhere and is a benefaction. In the case of lightning, the atmosphere is purified, or through a destructive use on man’s part can fell a tree or cause a conflagration of tremendous magnitude. The Earth in conjunction with all its components should be an abode of Perfection. Man through his actions has polluted its substance. The atmosphere is filled with negative toxin, which the Air Element is constantly purifying; the Fire Element blesses all in its multitudinous actions. 

The Restoration of this Planet is in the hands of man. All know that what a man thinks, nourished by his feelings, will manifest in a similar manner. It is imperative that all chelas carefully control their thought processes and live as has been ordained and let all the Virtues and Qualities which are inherent in his True Reality express at all times; using his thought through the mind process in whatever Aspect may be required in a given situation. 

I counsel you, each one, to respect the Holy Breath, the Spirit of Life, and proceed on your journey to bless and restore this Planet, wearing always a garment of Pure Divine Love. 

Blessing you with the All Pervading Light of the Universe of which “I AM” One Component. 

In cooperative service, “I AM”

Chohan of the Fifth Ray