The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 13, Number 5                                                     February 1st, 1991


Beloved Chelas,

During the Winter Conference with us at Shamballa, the Theme was "OPPORTUNITY". Of course, you are aware that opportunities are not restricted to the world of form, my beloved friends! They are also available to us in the Higher Realms, as well. The opportunity has been given to me to act as your teacher regarding the subject of petitions, and other various ways of corresponding with the Masters and Cosmic Beings.

In my last letter, I gave you an understanding of the ways in which we write to you at this time, through the channels who have been prepared. I would be truly grateful if you understand that it is not such a simple matter to do so. It takes not only time and preparation of the channels, but the energy levels within them must be sustained to do this work over long periods of time. Other elements in their lives must often be set aside, and it is not always easy for them to maintain the balance necessary for their own evolutionary needs to be smoothly fulfilled. My beloved ones, even though it presents an opportunity desired by many lifestreams, it is not to be recommended for those who have difficulty in maintaining both stamina, balance, and a very single-minded purpose to work so closely with us.

I extend my gratitude to those who serve in this way, not because they ask for our Gratitude, but because I want every chela to know that Gratitude is first among the Virtues which should be extended to anyone who reaches out to you, desiring to help you in any way. To attain mastery in the world of form, begin by giving your gratitude to any and all who assists you to come to this understanding. 

When you write to us, it is a way of saying "thank you" for whatever humble service we may offer to you upon your paths. Sometimes, a letter to me has said only "Thank you, Beloved John, for your love and assistance." I tell you, that is good, and deeply appreciated by me, or any Master who receives such a letter. If it is within your heart to write more, that is all the better, for it fulfills a particular need in your spiritual evolution that you will soon come to understand more deeply.

Those who act as our channels now have written many letters, and many petitions to us, and it has acted as their preparation for that specific task, helping them to center their attention, not only mentally and emotionally, but physically, upon the Octaves of Light.

Remember, you are complex Beings, working in a complex situation. You have four lower vehicles through which you must function in the world of form, but the directing force must be the Presence of God "I AM" anchored within your hearts, or you will just continue going in a spiral of "accidental evolution". Ultimately, you must take control and demonstrate mastery, by deciding to submit totally to the Presence of God, and following only that Higher Will.

Beloved Master Morya has explained that, if contact with the Ascended Masters proves to be too stressful to a student, our radiation is held in abeyance until the student is ready to proceed more deeply into his personal path of mastery. This is for your protection, because we love you, and does not indicate in any way that we withdraw from you. Each student is drawn higher into the Octaves of Light as he is ready, as it would otherwise be harmful to his vehicles. Balance is the keynote, Dear ones. We honor that Law so that we may be the most perfect examples possible. 

I encourage you to write to me personally, or to any Master of Light to whom you wish to present a question or concern that you may have. This is a way to establish your personal relationship with us in a way that is very specific, and may be adapted to your needs of response.

I will continue with this instruction, but for now I will close, having given you quite a lot to think about. Know that you are held within my Love and my Aura as you absorb these teachings. I love you.

John, the Beloved







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