The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12, Number 3                                                                    January 18th, 1991


Beloved Chelas of Light,

I thank you for your work of the past week. There is much to learn and to do, and you are very determined and persevering. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to work together. As with any Master who desires to correspond with the chelas, I want to share information with you about those subjects with which I AM the most familiar. One of these subjects is writing.

I want to thank those of you who have already written letters to me, and I look forward to many more. Correspondence is a major avenue of education, understanding, and healing, which is open between the Octaves of Light and the students and chelas who wish to work with the Ascended Masters and other Cosmic Beings.

As a result of several conferences with Holy Ĉolus, the Maha Chohan, the Karmic Board, and other Ascended Masters who have been writing to you, I have been asked to give you some instructions along these lines.

There are also some questions about petitions for healing and petitions in general, as it is used in the activity of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, and how it affects the relationship between the Masters and the chelas. I will address these questions one at a time and perhaps with some effort on both of our parts, your understanding will be greatly expanded and clarified.

It is important to tell you how very much your letters to us are appreciated. We know it represents a very real investment of time and energy, and with all that a chela of the Masters is asked to do already, it would be very easy to relegate this activity to the basket which is labeled "later, if at all"! Yet, I lovingly remind you that we take the time to write to you, and I know from your beautiful inner responses that our teachings are received with your gratitude, love, and respect.

I do not reprimand, but it is important to realize that correspondence is an exchange of letters, and also a response to that which has been received. It is true that we are aware of your inner response to that which is given, but your written response is a means of impressing the lessons received upon your consciousness, and also upon your etheric vehicle. You live in the world of form, and it is therefore very important that you respond in a way which is in accord with the laws of physical manifestation.

As you impress the importance of something upon your etheric vehicle - through physical action - you begin to insure right response in all future events and happenings. You are building these qualities and this knowledge into the etheric body with every effort you make to work in coordinated service with us.

It is a working together - my dear ones - to impress upon every part of your beings and worlds the teachings that are given, and your active co-service with us in these matters is of vital importance. Think on these things, and I will continue my instructions in the weeks to come.

I love and bless you for your every attempt to expand the Light of God that is the Bridge we are building together, over which we may enter your world - and you may enter ours! 

In Loving Friendship and Co-Service, 

"I AM" John






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