Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

November 1995


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: As all life continues to march steadily forward into the New Age of Spiritual Freedom see and feel the pure crystalline white flame of the ascension, with its crystalline radiance, fill the minds and hearts of all humankind. Through this magnificent power of love the qualities of joy and happiness fill our world and a time of great peace now manifests on our planet.

Beloved co-servers on the path of ascension,

I address you in this way because every lifestream, from the moment they choose to serve life and come into embodiment, begins the process of further expanding the light of the universe, as they ascend into an ever-higher state of consciousness through their individual efforts to channel the light of God to the Earth. Beloved chelas, the activity of the ascension is constant and certain, yet gentle and ever-caring for the lifestream's well being, just as all God's blessings are! This whole process, beloved ones, can very simply be compared to the growth of a mighty oak tree which takes many, many years to reach a strong and splendid state of beauty and perfection.

Every day as you walk the path toward the full ascension into the light of your own I AM Presence, I see your struggle between accepting the mastery of your Holy Christ Self and the controlling desires of human consciousness. To help you master your energies, always remember to look to the inner Christ in your heart. Receive and accept the magnificent feelings of joy and peace embodied in all of God's gifts that you require to be happy in co-service with our Father-Mother God. Otherwise, you will be caught up in entertaining the outer self as it pursues its quest, selfishly searching for ways to stroke and feed the enormous ego of the lower self, whose energy eventually one day must be returned to its pure state of perfection as demanded by cosmic law.

The Christ within offers peace, harmony and unity of life. Once your consciousness has ascended to this higher level of awareness through the ceaseless use of the sacred Violet Fire and the raising powers of the Ascension Flame, all life will answer your every call to manifest the perfection that God desires for you. It is within this state of mastery that a true balance of energy is attained, and you are also able to perceive the needs of others as they, too, progress upon this same spiritual path. At this point in your evolution you are then much more easily able to give according to the collective needs of the group.

During this process at some point you might ask: 'How do I attain such mastery and know that my lower self is not controlling the pure energy given to me by God?' Beloved brothers and sisters, always come before the master within and question your intentions as you step into the Violet Fire at the very heart of your existence. Then, if your intent is not pure, your I AM Presence through your Holy Christ Self will teach you how to purify your desires, bringing them into divine alignment with the will of our Father-Mother God, expanding and raising the purity of your endeavors to heights of exquisite beauty never before thought possible by you.

Another simple ritual you can call upon to vastly increase the buoyancy of the Ascension Flame in your life, is to blaze this mighty flame through your four lower vehicles, thus ever-raising your understanding of the many principles of life you have studied over the years. Take, for example, one of these principles, the gift of silence. Seen through the blessings of the Flame of Purity 'true silence' is a state of consciousness which allows you to be completely at one with your I AM Presence while still working in the physical plane of existence. The realization that physical silence is not necessarily the silence spoken of by many of the great masters of wisdom is a considerable step on your path, for, in testing this principle, you will discover that the silence of your mental and emotional bodies is part of this understanding also.

During this month and beyond use this principle to come to know yourself more perfectly, as you now begin to prepare to be bathed in the purity of the Ascension Flame throughout next year. To complete this preparation, next month each one of you shall also receive added assistance from the beloved Holy Triumvirate, to further balance, not only your own individual Threefold Flames, but that of this entire planet to prepare for what lies ahead in the not-too-distant future, as we continue the process of raising our collective consciousness to a state of perfect mastery over all energy in the physical plane of existence.

In closing, I offer you this final thought for your consideration and meditation. It is true that your Threefold Flame is kept pure and perfectly balanced by your Holy Christ Self in the inner realms. However, it is your task and responsibility to manifest such balance and purity on the physical plane of Earth and this manifestation begins to take place by consciously making the free will choice to do so. You must now choose to take the necessary steps of purification and transmutation to allow the Christ to become one with you, bringing perfect balance to your Threefold Flame. As you then become one with your Holy Christ Self you will consciously take over many additional responsibilities, fully manifesting the divinity of your true being here and now. As your light continues to expand and you channel additional light into the Earth, you will become even freer to perform ever higher levels of tasks taking further responsibility and assuming your new role in the divine plan of creation.

Beloved ones, as you do this, know I shall enfold you in my love that carries all the gifts and blessings of the mighty Ascension Flame!

Your brother in the light,

Serapis Bey





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