The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 42                                                                                           October 16, 1984 


John, The Beloved 

You will remember the affinity of Consciousness which the Master Jesus and I had during the Christian Dispensation. You, too, can enjoy that same awareness of the Christ as you become and remain centered in “I AM”, realizing you are in embodiment to expand the Light, assisting your fellow traveler in the elevation of his vibratory action, until he experiences his reason for being through the Oneness of all Life. 

The Earth is giving forth more Light and it shall increase as man becomes conscious of and knows there is a POWER within which is the Activating Principle of all Life. 

Continue in your daily living in the process of accepting the elementals in your beings as co-servers with those in all the Kingdoms, culminating in the Truth that ALL LIFE IS ONE! As you desire to turn your attention to our Focus in the etheric realm over the Cities of Saint John, you will experience the Oneness of Holy Spirit, through the ever expanding power of LOVE DIVINE – in which all life is unified. 

A co-server in the Universal Oneness of Being,

I AM” John







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