The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 8                                                                                                         February 19, 1985 


February 1, 1985

Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England 

Lady Kwan Yin

I greet thee in the Radiant Love of Amida Buddha; that Love which is alive within your hearts, and the hearts of ALL LIFE, waiting to be nourished and employed for the benefaction of all mankind. 

Long have we waited for this hour when the hearts of men are so stirred, to know that there is something within, just crying out, bursting to be released. You are now all ready to express that love, and you know that LOVE is the KEY to ALL. Love is Mercy; Mercy in its Gentleness, Mercy in its Grace. LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. 

Love is evident and alive within all manifestation, waiting to be loved free into its fullest expression. That is love. You are ready, and I know you are willing and desirous of giving the benefit of that unction to all life. 

Through the Ages the great Avatars have known that LOVE IS THE KEY, and they have nourished that love, no matter what obstacles they have encountered upon their Path, and as the radiant love came forth and PERFECTION was expressed, imagine the great joy that came as a result.  

Now you have the opportunity to give LOVE in its FULL FORM to ALL LIFE. We know through the Ages that Love has been the Key to all Teachings of the Light, wearing many garments, but always present, because it is Life. And life, as we also know, disguised itself in many garments which are not expressions of its fullness. 

THE HOUR HAS ARRIVED. The vibratory action of this planet, even though not seen with the physical eyes, is rising, rising, rising to great heights, and all those who have pledged their energies will rise as ONE and gather all into the fold. Bring them to the Homeland, to the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light, which we know is within. Boundless Splendor is that which we know is within. Boundless Splendor is that which ALL SHALL KNOW and which some are beginning to experience. Once you have tasted the elixir of that Splendor you will know that it is the birthright of all men. The hands of the mighty Amida Buddha are stretching forth to all life beckoning them to come HOME, come HOME. Take my hand, and I will show you the way! Feel my hands, and the hands of Amida Buddha stretching out to all life. Feel what that experience is, and the joy in men’s hearts as they feel that PULL to come HOME, up the Path of Light, and be AT HOME IN THE PURE LAND. 

The Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light is awaiting each and every one of you, and all life, to come back home. We have all felt at times upon our journey along life’s path – “How wonderful it would be to know the meaning of this journey. Why, oh why, did I come?” And then you feel that pulse beat, that breathing, that loving substance WITHIN, and you KNOW that you can carry on. You have all experienced that. All peoples on Paths of Light are beginning to know that there is one fold, and that fold is beginning to expand and expand until this dear planet is expressing the perfection she once knew. And so it shall be with each one of you, blessed hearts of Light. Feel the Love which I send to you, the comforting Love which is Mercy, in all its aspects. Is it not wonderful to be able to say “I LOVE YOU”, and feel the radiation going out? Know that it touches all life, going on and on and on throughout the universe, for Love is all there is. 

I thank you and I bless you with the Light of All Life – the ONE LIGHT which is LOVE, and which some call GOD. 

“I AM” Kwan Yin







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