The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 13, Number 7                                                                                February 15th, 1991


Beloved Friends,

I want to write to you about the events which are taking place in the world at this time which are of concern to all of you. The appearance upon the "Screen of Life" is not a cheerful one, but seems threatening and dark. To the man who lacks Faith, and who has no belief in a power superior to his own, such appearances seem to prove that mankind is irreversibly caught in the web of darkness. 

To the chela, the understanding must be different. You are taught not to look upon the outer appearances of anything, but rather, to look through the outer, and seek the Spiritual meaning of all events. This is not easy, but if you keep in mind that you must become aware of the illness before healing can take place, perhaps you can perceive outer appearances as the surfacing of those energies which have been previously misqualified - so that you may take intelligent action for Healing. 

You have worked hard and steadily for the holding of the outer peace in the Earth. It is important for you to know that no energy ever spent for Peace is ever lost! Regardless of the outer appearance, your calls and your love for your fellowman count, and I speak with the Authority of the Father-Mother God when I say that nothing is ever lost that is given with the love that I perceive within your hearts and minds for all your brothers and sisters in the Family of Man!

Beloved Lord Michael has spoken to you about his Littlest Warriors who have chosen to take embodiment in these times, to bring about the invincible Peace ordained for the Earth. You must remember that when an angelic being takes embodiment, they submit themselves to the laws of human evolution, which means that they agree to "forget" their Divinity for the privilege of developing in such a way that they may serve as Archangels in another system of worlds when that opportunity arises. This is not an easy decision. It means that they come in with no karmic load, completely pure in consciousness, yet fully submitting themselves to total sacrifice if required, for the sake of existing humanity - which is already enmeshed in darkness. 

These blessed ones have been coming into the Earth for over several generations now, and are ever increasing in numbers, as Cosmic Law permits. It is not allowed by the God Parents for the number of such volunteers to exceed a certain limit, because of the need of lifestreams already included within the Earth's evolutionary plan who need to complete their Divine Plans. However, some of these lifestreams have chosen to go to other systems, which are sometimes permitted, to redeem their expenditures of life force which they have misqualified upon the Earth. 

It has entered the minds of some of our chelas that such permission may be unfair, but this is not so. God's Law is exact, and the use, or misuse, of life force must always be redeemed exactly. In other systems, the redemption may be more gradual than that required upon the Earth, but it is no less exact! I wish to assure you of this, and ask that you let go of all possible negative reactions regarding information given previously, which was incomplete, although not inaccurate. Some of those lifestreams who have chosen this option would have been unable to complete their evolution upon the Earth, for she is too close to her next galactic move, and only those lifestreams who will be able to complete their balancing are going to be able to stay with the Planet at this time. All others will be offered the option of moving to other systems at this time. 

I pray this clears some questions from your minds, and encourages each and every one of you to continue to work for Peace, Harmony, and Brotherhood among the entire Family of Man with unabated enthusiasm! I can only assure you that your efforts count beyond measure for your entire Family! I AM grateful for your every effort for the Light of God that is Eternally Victorious!

Your Friend of Light,










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