The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 13 - Number 2                                                                      January 11th, 1991


Beloved Chelas,

You have been told that - at the beginning of a New Age - there is a blending of the previous Age with the New Age which must take place. This is true. However, the beginning of a New Age is also the fulfilling of the previous Great Age. All of the information and teaching, and the events which they precipitated, come full circle at the beginning of the next Great Age.

A present Age fulfills a great deal in and of itself, of course, but there is always more given than it is possible to assimilate and put into action at the time. This is due to the fact that the consciousness of an entire race will absorb the release of Light according to the abilities of its individual lifestreams. This includes the entire population of the Earth, as well as the discarnates, who are within the astral realm during those periods of time between embodiments. There is a "median" which dictates the overall evolution possible in any Age, expanding the consciousness of the middle group greatly, and drawing the consciousness of the slowest group up as much as possible. Those who can accept the heights and depths of the teachings released are almost always in the minority. This minority portion of the race then becomes the recipients of the Higher Teachings in the New Age, when it dawns upon the horizon of the Earth. 

A great deal of the work given to this group revolves around the teachings of the previous Age, and it is important that they be understood and completely assimilated into the mass consciousness as much as possible, for they also contain the great Truths which are present in the New Age. Some of the teachings were hidden in the occult literatures and other documents which have since been brought to light, but also - interestingly enough - they were often plainly stated and presented in their own time. However, this was done in ways that were not likely to be comprehended by the middle and lower levels of consciousness evolving upon the Earth at that time.

In the time that Master Jesus was incarnated, much of the Truth was presented in the form of parables and stories, as this is a valid means of teaching. It can be absorbed by anyone at whatever level of consciousness he may be, and it can be pondered by those who realize that there is more being said than that which is obvious. Notice, dear ones, how many books and teachings are now coming forth from the "orthodox" religious teachers and leaders of your present time, explaining the New Age quite well? Many of these blessed ones are experiencing the rejection of the religious groups from which they have sprung, but they are doing what they came to do!

The very founders of The Bridge to Freedom Activity - and its predecessors - were called upon to reveal our Presence and our teachings, in spite of the strong tides of public opinion which they were then forced to endure. It is in large part due to their strength and faith that you are now able to move forward into the New Age more freely than would have otherwise been possible. Their efforts and supply built and sustained this Activity of Light to this day.

Among some of the highest and most exalted religious leaders upon the Earth right now, there are men and women of great spiritual understanding and development, who may not - for one reason or another - be able to reveal the extent of their knowledge of our existence and work.

I tell you these things so that you may continue to move forward with intelligent understanding of the events that are taking place around you in the world, and without judgment of those religious leaders who are working in and through other channels. Bless all life which is endeavoring to expand the Light of God upon the Earth in some way, and encourage others to keep growing and expanding in the Light, even as you are.

You are the Light of the World in these times! I say this without qualification, and ask that you continue to grow in this Activity of Light to which we have brought you in these changing times.

Especially, endeavor to come quickly to the point where you are above and beyond judgment regarding other schools of thought, for truly every worker is worthy of his "hire", and you cannot know what the path must be for others.

Seek to know your own path clearly, and bless All Life as you pass by, with all the blessings to which you have access through the Sacred Fire vested in you. The Focus is within your own heart, and as we work together, I know it will blaze, and blaze, and blaze - ever more brightly, until it becomes the Ruling Force upon the Earth!

I close with a Blessing upon you - Our Beloved Chelas;

Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in All Life, I call forth the most powerful intensification of Spiritual Healing permitted by Cosmic Law, to enter the four lower vehicles of all our chelas. Activate YOUR Divine Perfection within them, and may each chela of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom be an example of the Holy Christ Self which dwells within their hearts. May they form a Chalice of Light through which we may pour and anchor the Sacred Healing Elixir of Divine Love for all their Brothers and Sisters in the Family of Man. SO BE IT, GREAT "I AM"! 


Your Friend,






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